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Parable of Virtue From the Book of Shadows

dark fantasy eye
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon

What is the Book of Shadows?

The Book of Shadows is a fictional book of creation stories and life lessons (i.e. a book of spirituality) created by the ancestors of the people of Konda, a village within the novel I’m writing currently. Since storytelling is such a visceral part of the human experience, I knew I wanted to fully flesh out the stories that formed the beliefs of the various peoples in my world. While I may or may not include these short works in my novels, they will form the basis of many interactions readers will encounter in this new series. If you’d like a sneak peek of the world I’m dedicating my life to right now, please read on and enjoy.

Parable of Virtue

Hand holding the moon
Photo by Jasper Benning

Before the Era of Known Days, there were three Supreme Powers floating in The Great Unknown. They were not bird, nor were they beast. They were not tree, nor were they seed. They were not ice, nor were they vapor. They simply were. And they quarreled mightily over which of them was the greatest and most powerful. They fought for an uncountable time over who should rule the others, and all the worlds they created and would yet create.

Strength stepped forward, and in a proud voice shouted, “I am to rule. What would the worlds be without me holding everything together? Nothing would stand without me.”

Then Love stepped forward, and in a sweet voice said, “I am to rule. What would the worlds be without me nurturing the generations? No creatures would survive without me.”

Finally, Beauty stepped forward, and in a seductive whisper said, “I am to rule. What would the worlds be without me inspiring civilizations? No progress would be had without me.”

Round and round they went for an uncountable time, none of them agreeing with the others. After another uncountable time, they realized their argument would never cease until they proved which of them should rule, and so they devised a test. They floated down to the surface of an unbuilt world, devoid of any plant or animal or feature, believing it would be the perfect place to create their greatest, most astonishing creations.

Strength went north, thinking it would be most impressive to battle fierce cold while in the grip of creation. Love went west to have a space all its own. Beauty, who didn’t want any special environment, got to work where it stood.

They each created their own visions of greatness to overshadow the others, and while they did so, Beauty crept over to Love to see what it was building because Beauty secretly feared losing. So, it went over to Love and asked what it was making. Love said, “Behold my creation,” and held up a heart. Beauty turned quickly away, saying loudly that its creation was superior, but it was still afraid.

Some time later, Love crept over to Strength to see what it was building because Love secretly feared losing. So, it went over to Strength and asked what it was making. Strength said, “Behold my creation,” and held up a brain. Love turned quickly away, saying loudly that its creation was superior, but it was still afraid.

Some time later, Strength crept over to Beauty because Strength secretly feared losing. So, it went over to Beauty and asked what Beauty was making. Beauty said, “Behold my creation,” and held up a pair of eyes. Strength turned quickly away, saying its creation was superior, but it was still afraid.

When they all met again in the middle, they brought with them their completed creations, each believing they should win. They presented their creations proudly but began to argue at once. None of them could agree which creation was the greatest. So, they created Woman and placed all three creations inside her, and they asked her which creation alone was superior.

Woman couldn’t choose between the heart and the brain and the eyes, which angered the Powers. Beauty became Ego and showered the others with spite. Strength became Violence and kicked sand in everyone’s eyes. Love became Jealousy and tried to steal Woman for its own.

Their anger made them detestable in the eyes of Woman. She had seen all she could bear and yelled for them to stop. She said powerfully, “I am to rule. You have given me all your creations which I’ve completed by uniting them. Beauty is Ego and Strength is Violence and Love is Jealousy. None of you are worthy. I could create endlessly without your hatred.”

An uncountable moment of silence passed.

Ego looked at Violence. Violence looked at Jealousy. Jealousy looked at Ego. “Or you could create endlessly with it,” they said as one.

They gazed at Woman, and they knew. Woman gazed at them, and she knew. Together they understood, and they all went their separate ways.

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