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  1. Sarah Adriance
    October 2, 2021 @ 4:54 am

    Thank you for sharing this. I’m so sorry that happened to you. I can’t imagine how hard that must have been to go through and to write about. You’re amazing, and I think this will be a lot of help to someone who needs it.


    • J.L. Amos
      October 2, 2021 @ 3:23 pm

      Thank you so much for reading this, Sarah! It was difficult to write and more difficult to edit, but I really wanted people to have a view into an abusive dynamic. Not everyone knows what it looks like, and the more we spread that knowledge, the less common this problem will become. My greatest hope for this post was that it would help someone out there in the wide world.


  2. Teri Lupoli
    September 29, 2021 @ 8:36 pm

    Thank you for this wonderful, brutal piece Jenn. We all knew there were problems, but I’m sure that none could have begun to realize the reality that was yours. I’m so grateful for your ability to break free and to live the life you are living – and for doing what you can to help others. Great work and I’m proud to know you and “almost” be related to you.


    • J.L. Amos
      September 29, 2021 @ 9:03 pm

      Thank you, Teri. That’s just it: I never spoke of many details. I kept it vague because my entire life, people have told me how strong I am. It took me a lot of time and therapy to realize that it wasn’t my fault, that his choices were his own doing, and that it’s possible to be strong and smart and also abused.


  3. Heather Serrano
    September 29, 2021 @ 5:27 pm

    Amazing, thoughtful piece. So glad you escaped that horror and are here for others. I am sure this will give someone strength. ♥️


    • J.L. Amos
      September 29, 2021 @ 6:12 pm

      Thank you so much, Heather. I hope it helps even one person. That would make my year. I’m going to try to find other ways to help those who need it in this regard.


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