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Through Shadow and Flame Epic Fantasy | Upcoming Series

In Development

Eillak had been abandoned in the near-starved village of Konda as a half-blind infant. Now an adult, her life revolves around hauling dung to the fields and scrubbing floors. She thought life would be nothing more than grunt work and begging for scraps, but the day her anger boils over, ancient magic hidden within her is revealed. She’s chased from her village into a cursed forest where she meets others of her kind who help her grow stronger. When she overhears a neighboring village’s plot to burn Konda to the ground, she’s forced to choose between saving the only mother she’s ever known and letting those who’ve scorned her burn.

Through Shadow and Flame is the first book of an upcoming series. An epic fantasy filled with old-world magic and adventure, its sense of the dark and mysterious will keep pages turning until the very end.